Sunday, October 30

End of overnight studying session

Just got back from mugging at macs.. went to 3 diff macs in total.. 1st was King Albert den Bukit Merah and finally Tea Garden..

I managed to cover 4 chapters of Econs.. Nv felt so accomplished in Econs!! i finally understand how Planned Aggregate Expenditure works!! *for your info, i only do the copying of answers during econs tuts cos i have no idea of wats going on at all* i also know how to draw the Keynesia Cross Diagram now!!! Whee!!! hahahahahhahahaa!!! Thousands.. no no..millions.. no no.. prob billions of pats for myself!!

scarli when i wake up ltr..i forget everything .. just like wat Kelv said!!

more to go man!! jia you!! more to conquer in the economics txt!!

need to knockout already!! gotta be down at SSC for massage ltr on.. yesh.. on a sun afternoon. just cant wait.. my shouders are aching!!!

ohh.. did i tell u i fell in love with.... A Pinky Beanie on fri!!! hahaha!!! *thx xiu for the pix!! its so gonna be my display pix on msn!!! may upload it here.. i''ll tink bout it..*

Out i go.. good morn.. good nite... an nyong...

Posted by Cookie at 7:03:00 AM

Saturday, October 29

A Tribute to him...

Who haven heard of him in OCR..

Lik Kok, once known as an extrodinary personal assistant, has left the FAR-EAZT organisations for a highly sought after position in France. He was always a reliable and trustworthy assistant, handling requests and schedules the busy timetable for his boss.

Dearest Lik Kok, Please take good care of yourself lots n lots.. You will be badly missed by us..Especially you boss - Mr Lim... Do take care and keep in touch.

Posted by Cookie at 3:38:00 PM

Its 5 mins to 3am!!! Yes!! Im awake!!

*I realized I cannot NOT blog though I said I will not blog till my exams are over..*

Still high from the gaming session at Settlerscafe!! Muhaha.. Oritey.. I know Im not supposed to be there as I was supposed to be studying!! Sabotuer and Bang – 2 new games I tried and shall introduce to the humblepies gang the next time we go!!

Well… I shall not sleep tonight unless I complete chapters 25-28 of my Economics on “Economy in the Short Run”. But I completed my chapter 29 of “Exchange Rates and the Open Economy” this afternoon!! Whee!!

Am going to study overnight tomorrow with Sheena and Kelv at one of the 24hrsMacs!! No choice cos exams coming plus I wanna do well to get the direct honors!! *the reason why I chose NTU over NUS* I mustn’t waste my 3 yrs in NTU..

I got exactly 7 days to my 1st paper!!! *how excited I am!!!* Like real only…

I didn’t attend the very last revision lecture for Economics this morning though I was already awake!! So, I didn’t get to see my Macro Economics lecturer at all!! Haha!!

Time really flies. One semester is almost up!! I have 2.5 semesters to go!! Really cant wait to graduate!! Haha!!

Anyway, I have received couple of pictures from the last 2 few week’s happenings. They are as follow:

Me Bao n Xiu at Hangout's lobby before HKseries

Spokepersons for the EnergyJelly!

Steff Xiu Cooks - Pictionary Time at Hangout!!

The group at Qi's wedding.. *Congrats!! My mate!!*

Sheena Cooks Xiu with bit of Bao in the foreground at Qi's..

Met up with OCR peeps at Fred's farewell!

Some of us w triple chins ..tried to shoot from the bottom!!

Cooks and Fariz, the SIA boy gonna be!!!

Cooks n Ludo, my dear Mauritius fren/King!!

Cooks n the Thai Princess, Maria Prasantip!! haha!

MeiMeiHui n Cooks!!

Whee!! im employed!! haha!!Cos i'll be back in NUS temping this hols!!

BAck to my books of economics!!!

These pix took me a long time to upload!!! arggghhh...

Posted by Cookie at 3:36:00 AM

Thursday, October 27

'The most secure blog you have is the Microsoft Word in your C drive.'

I have finally settled down to my books of Economics, Marketing,
Biz Law and Info Tech and I have intended to go MIA* till my exams are over.

BUT I just needed to come online to do my usual round of whining and complaining… Isnt that the purpose of my blog?? For me to whine bout my life.. Duh~~

A getaway from my books.. I will be spending my wee hours mugging tonight cos I just woke up not long ago from my 3 hours nap.

Life been pretty simple without hockey in the evenings.. So it’s simply lessons in the mornings at Pulau NTU followed by either tuitioning with Anita or napping with my bed in the afternoons. *Smiles*

Anyway, my tag’s bombarded with so many messages over the past 3 days. I have no control over what people have to tag.
*which is why i had thoughts of bringing it down last yr but was persuaded against it* Moreover, taggers can make use of all kinds of identities to post a tag especially when it comes to unconstructive stuff. So why bothers…

Maybe…All bloggers should just blog in their Microsoft Word in my C drive just as what was quoted off the internet.

*MIA means Missing In Action

Posted by Cookie at 1:53:00 AM

Monday, October 24

Backs-Shoulders-Knees Ache & not many days to exams already…

Team & I been testseriED and results are that we drew 1 and lost 2 (2-2, 1-0, 3-1) Team played well as we picked up from the very 1st to the last game.

Individually, I could have fare better. It’s not best of mine. I didn’t play WELL. I would expect better clearances and clearer vision on my part. But at least I know, I fought hard to be where I am today.

And I must really KUDO to the umpires. I can understand that the HK umpire’s advantage playing for the HK team. BUT I have never expected our very own home-grown one could not even blow for a normal ‘advantage to defender’ call. Haha!! What a joke!! Let me do a simple situation analysis. *Should I bring in my TOWS analysis from my marketing?*

Lilian, at the right top D, got the ball downright into her stick but was pushed over and our dear home-grown one who was standing on the left of the post could actually blow for a Penalty Corner.


1) From experience and knowledge, defenders should always be given the advantage and be protected. In fact, Lilian actually got the ball!! BUT… well well…

2) From the corner where our dear home-grown was rooted, I’m way impressed by her eyesight and judgment.

3) Funniest of all, you went to consult the other umpire who came on the same plane, stayed in the same hotel and eat the same food with the HK team for advice! HAHA!! And, most of all, that umpire has been playing an advantage-no whistle game. And you, happily joined her ya?? The more the merrier?? Or should I say, too much of HKing?

*Anyway, Lilian did us proud by giving her penny for thoughts right into our dear home-grown one. Right in her face!! Well done there!*

It’s definitely a good learning experience on our part, to play with a fabulous umpire with great potential of great grooming opportunity to soar in the umpire’s circle. Oh ya. Dear home-grown could also probably make it with her great hockey skills for that I heard she in our u21 training squad. BUT wait, I thought our squad plays ‘world-class’ hockey?? And isn’t our u21 a feeder squad to our senior side?? Hmmm.. there is a case of contradiction here.. I wonder how is this dear home-grown of ours going to cope.

But I do hope all of us will take this time round as a great learning experience. An opportunity to work harder for that I believe everyone, including me have more room for improvement.

Am I right?? My deareast mates..

P/s: “cannot see the ball is NOT an excuse for not blowing or for making a wrong call! And being exposed only to local leagues is not reason for making poor judgments and calls for that it’s still hockey that u are umpiring and that the ball is still round. Rules are still the same and concept is still the same. Probably pace and speed to fast for u to access?”

Enough of this umpire saga for the time-being which is one of the reasons why I refuse to pursue my umpiring certificates and focus on my skills.

HK series are finally over and we are going to take a long break from hockey. What am I going to do without hockey for the next 2 weeks?? Im so gonna be mugging non-stop!! Haha!! Malaysian series have been pushed back till next Mar06. I dun know why but I’m more excited bout Malaysian Series than HK!!

And im so looking forward to SRC BKK trip!! Whee!! Probably cos we are doing the organizing this time round!! To chin, ying, fen n steff: Jia You!!! *hands up – woo woo!!!*

Ok ok .. im done for the night/morning.. I got a test tom!! I studied last night b4 this morning’s game inside the 7 persons sharing room in the dim lights!! *sobsob*

Back to school tomorrow …

I’ll be back soon.. with more bloggggggiinnnnggggsss…. with pictures too from testseries n metup with OCR-ppl last thurs!!

*Oh leon!! So glad ya online last nite when I needed to pour my woes out!!! ??Faster come back!! We shall go Setttlerscafe soon!! RobinA was asking when we going again!! We go when u come back.. Go party too!!*

Posted by Cookie at 1:11:00 AM

Friday, October 21

i been tryin to sleep after my entry earlier.. BUT my mind just simply refuse to ZZZ!! this is frustrating... am i too excited?? am i??

so i decided to come online.. did some errands online.. n chanced upon my childhood pix.. so decided to do smtg with them.. SEE below.... *checked out my 'PERMED' hairdo*

Posted by Cookie at 3:20:00 AM

Thursday, October 20

guess wat!!! *oooohhh mmmmyyy goooshhhhh*

i was supposed to 'nap' for one hr at 11+ last nite b4 i revised for econs quiz today.. the next thing i opened my eyes was 10am this morn already!! so i decided that im so gonna BUANG *aka FAIL* my quiz big time.. i really nv nv nv study at all...

so when it was time for quiz.. i common sensely ans the qns with abit of calculations and ti-kum-ing*aka randomly ans-ed* with abit of checking with Echo, my classmate.. n guess wat!!! 100 out of 100!!! HAHA!!!

okie. im damn damn lucky la.. so i better bucked up for my paper!!

had the very last mkting lecture with Prof Hooi.. no more no more lectures... tom must go for Econs n Biz Law lectures too!! im so gonna meet my Macro-econs lecturer for the 1st n last time!! haahaa..

oritey..abit of update from the dinnergetogether/fred'sfarewell at Arab street with my ex-colleagues from NUS, Office of Corp Relations... food was great.. ppl are still so fun-loving .. i MISS u guys lots lots!!! Send me the pix soon FRED!!!!!!!!

Fred: all the best in ur new job ya!! = )

OH ya... a BIG THANK U to MrLoke, MeiHui, CikMariana, MAHrie,WeeMay,Marg, Fred, Ludo,Sherrie n Fariz for buying 5 bricks to support my fund raising for my training trip!! THankies so much!!!

Mr Loke!! my holiday job depends on u already!!! i so wanna work in OCR again!!

Imagine this.. in my resume..
Last job held: NUS, Office of Corp Relations...
Part-time job held: NUS, Office of Corp Relations ALSO!!


anyway.. dear Fariz is now a SIA Steward undergoing training!! way to go!! go go go!! remember to "sink"!!!

okie dokie..i gotta ZZZ cos im having a slight headache plus i need to go for lectures tom!! plus WE ARE GOING TO PLAY HKG TOMORROW!!!! support me!! n my team!!! 8pm at delta!!!

Cookie!! OI!!! Cookie!! OI!!! Cookie!! OI!!!

p/s: mgr mindy said our staying place for the weekend is gooood!! whee!!!

Posted by Cookie at 11:30:00 PM

Last trainin ended.. break tom for the team..

And... we gonna test match against HKG!!!

Games all at delta at following times:

Fri - 8pm Sat - 6pm Sun - 830am

Gonna stay at this Cathay affliated lodge at Selegie know as Hang-out!! Rooming has changed from 2 - 7 per rooms.. my roomies are Fen, Ying, Steff, Farah, Limin n Weizhen!! my room is the youngster room with no senior.. im the oldest in the room!! MUhahaha.. *we gonna stay in bunks.. quite an experience!!!*

my ECONS Quiz..... yet to start revisin.. im out im out.. i need to be out!!

Whee!! *jump jump* gonna meet my ex-colleagues from NUS-OCR tom for dinner!!!

Posted by Cookie at 12:15:00 AM

Wednesday, October 19


last presentation for the sem ended this mornin!! whee!!

gotten an A-minus for my Biz Law assignment..

now.. i need to study for my econs quiz tom..

n b4 tt.. i need to rush for tuition now.. haha!!

Whee!! no more presentations!! *jump jump*

Sob!!! exams in 2 weeks times!! *wails on the floor*

n i realised i have yet to buy my IT text!!


Posted by Cookie at 2:46:00 PM

i just saw u out there in some picture.. = (

Posted by Cookie at 3:45:00 AM

Tuesday, October 18

another 2.4 ytd at training beofre frenly game.. orite.. timing was 13.18.. good work!! to tink i was quite drained out of energy from the insuffienct hours of ZZz over the weekend...

just woke up not long ago.. body just couldnt hear my phone alarm.. im blog hopping now..

gotta do my prep for tom's mkting presentation now b4 heading down to SRC for the BKK trip meeting.

Test series this fri-sun!! come down n support us!! support me!! games shd be 8pm for fri n sat.. 9am on sun!!

one more training to go b4 we gonna get a rest this thurs.. gonna shift in to hotel again...

out out out i go...

Posted by Cookie at 4:25:00 PM

Monday, October 17

He is the one... Rain Rain Rain...

I like my background music, I Think, too..

All from FULLHOUSE, the korean drama starring Rain..

= )

Posted by Cookie at 4:06:00 AM

Sunday, October 16

Just a concise yet precise it so?? hmmm...

Happy marriage to u2...
Happy marriage to u2...
Happy marriage to Qihui n Phil..
Happy marriage to u2!!

Woke up late for the game this morning in celebration for qi's marriage.. whee!! i didnt gear up as keeper. instead xiu did so.. n guess wat.. im so proud of myself now.. haha!! scored 2 goals..2 DIVING goals... whee!!! the best goals so far!! n both are diving ya!! haha... Back to reality.. im a KEEPER!! haha...

im not having my regular dosage of sleep for the past 2 days... came back this mornin at bout 5 after a full nite out at settlerscafe, dim sum and shopping at mustafa ctr with Lim, Kelv, Xiu, RobinA n Wife-Shirley.

settlerscafe: GREAT GREAT GREAT.. haili gaili!! cranium!! landlord!! apples to apples!! we got the discount card!! more to go man!! i wanna go AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dim Sum: yum yum yum!! more pls?? i promise i wun order char siew baoS.. haha...

Mustafa: more games please?? changing color hotwheel cars?? the fishing game with the openin fishes on rotation pond?? hehe... cheap cheap toiletries as well!! haha...

i spent my fri not going trainin.. (told nord i needed rest) n guess wat.. ended up doin my mkting project in sch till 330am!! cabbed a 16dollar trip home.. sob!!!!im so damn broke this week!! im spendin way way to MUCH!!

Oh yeah.. test series' COMING!! i cant wait!! i cant wait!! game on mon n trainin on wed.. thus rest.. n here we are.. EVER READY for test series... muhahaha!!!

im SO not looking 4ward to the trials tt's so gonna be conducted by new coach to-be terri FOX?? nah.. tt terri kahn guy... doubt im gonna go for it.. cos its during my exam week!!

ok ok.. i need to nap for at least an hour b4 i get ready for Qi's cocktail at SCC ltr on.. out i go!! Zzzzzzz

Posted by Cookie at 2:39:00 PM

Thursday, October 13

still giddyin my way ard home..

my mom forced me to sleep at 11 last nite..


i woke up at 7am.. tuned in to Primetime Morning..talkin bout china's 2nd manned shuttle.. temasek holding's .. 2nd suspect for 01oct Bali bombin arrested... blar blar...

spoked to my uncle leonie!! *can u see tt panda dancin away??* yeah..i noe wat u mean.. n u noe wat i mean..hais.. hais...sobsob...

this mornin is a catch up session with my ex colleagues at work.. fred the frog, finalli packin his bag..ready to walk outta OCR.. Margie still bz at work... prob cos of tt lady superior.. i miss breakie at diilys.. my usual Teh-O, Char sao Polo n WAFER!!! i miss working!!!

i need to Zzz again... got econs tuttooriiial at 230.. im havin phobia of steppin out of my house..

to xiu: yes.. i will call u the next time i gonna faint k??
to dianaGO: yes mom.. i will drink lots of water ya.. i hope.. haha..
to jayelle: yupz i will take care n stay healthy!!

thkies all... now i realised... thou my tagboard may not be tag.. but there r ppl out there poppin by.. haha... thx to all..

Posted by Cookie at 9:21:00 AM

Wednesday, October 12

White Flag

my system threw in the towel this morn..

i was on the stuffy dbl decked 179 to sch.. i felt the symptons which i felt the very last time before i blacked out.. the next min, i felt n heard ppl from my back holding me and asking if im okie.. *shit man.. how malu i was* i cold-perspired for the next 1/2 hr.. my 2 classmates, *how lucky* jiahao n chengmin, so happened to be on the bus.. they got me into a cab.. that got me back to commonwealth..

i missed lesson once again.. im so full of guilt now.. the rest are at trainin now while im home bloggin.. sob sob..

i deserved the blacked out this mornin.. cos i didnt heed the advice of the doc n my body last week..

weak.. upset.. guilty.. giddy are what i am feeling now..

im afraid to travel again now.. for tt i may black out again.. it took me awhile to get outta my house the last time this happened..

Posted by Cookie at 9:46:00 PM

Tuesday, October 11

guess wat...

another round of 2.4km run again.. AFTER gaming with the mixed team somemore!! shagged.. i just slided onto the pitch with my very last pin of energy as Nordin read off my timin.. but i didnt catch it .. hehe.. really ran SO hard today!! i felt i ran so much harder den last wed!! but i tink timin wasnt as good.. shall check it out.. haha!! orite.. prob cos i was tired.. but i pushed on!! WHEE!!! well done cooks!! *strong mind*

My knee's hurting from the abrasion *the slide??* plus its hurting IN there!! oh my oh my.. damn pain... no prob with my knee pls.. i have already gotten the worst of all, slipped disc in my back and i dun wan anythin more!! okie okie.. shall ice it after i blog..

Yok Sing going for knee op/scope this fri to 'repair' his ACL.. plus some tear in his ligament or tendon.. watever!! get well soon ya!! den can go supperDE!!

IT project's finally done.. one more case analysis for marketing next week!! our metup time dragged from 10-1 today!! WTH!!! anyway.. shall do my work n study tom!! im so tired now....

2 quizzes next week as well!! must be hardworking ya.. no more aim for dean's list already.. aim now is to get out of the 'lostland' of econs esp, biz law, marketing n IT..

Exams in less than a mth's time.. test series in 2 week's time.. the team is out already!! LETS JIAYOU K?? we can do it ya!!!

Singapore! OI! Singapore! OI! Singapore! OI!!!

OUT I go.. im goin to ZZZzzzzZZZZzzzzz.. An Nyong~~

Posted by Cookie at 1:28:00 AM

Friday, October 7


why did i go for training when im sick??

why didnt i take a rest??

doc gave me 2 days mc.. but i went against my body's will..

why cant i just stop for few days??

Posted by Cookie at 11:30:00 PM

seen doc..

prescription of countless number of 'easy to swallow' tablets for fever, flu, lozenges & vitamin Cs and pinky cooling cough syrup!!

was given 2 days mc.. but i still went ahead with training ytd.. did 2.4 test.. came in 13.35mins.. and had tt bloody beep beeper test today.. level 8.3.. hais..

IT proj meet-up tom!! oh no!! haha!!! i must go do now!! haha!!

had dinnersupper with Lim Kelv n Robina at Alazhar after training.. sinful stuff of beehoon kuah n egg prata.. haha..

im out.. im looking for a song.. tt korean singer, RAIN, im falling for u.. the theme song for full house!! anyone?? RAIN is so CUTE!!!!


*cough cough sneeze sneeze out i go..*

Posted by Cookie at 2:10:00 AM

Wednesday, October 5

Im really down with flu and cough AGAIN...

Up up up i came back.. and im down down down again..

IT Database has got me dataBASED again..

Met eric earlier for help with my database!!

I need more vitamin C!!!


Posted by Cookie at 2:46:00 AM

Tuesday, October 4

I have caught the flu bug!!

i have been sneezing my night away on my bed while doin the makeover for humblepies.. i dun wan to be sick again!! i dun wan!!! it is super sickenin and torturin to be sick!!

im thinkin of revampin this blog also.. but just cant seem to find that one unqiue skin that pleases me at 1st sight.. shall not hurry..

as mentioned earlier.. nordin gave us a break from 1st-4th rite.. so some of us made it to the team gathering at settlerscafe for rounds of fun-hilarious games!! im so in love with that place.. am already lookin forward to my next visit!!

the rain has started pourin outside.. and im feelin sick n nauseous already.. such a nice weather to Zzz but im not Zzz.. human clock totally irreversible.. sobsob.. am tryin hard to turn it ard!!

supposed to have my 4th tuition lesson today but had to cancel it for my IT database project.. 4 of us, Johan(the super duper cool swedish), JiaHao(the ex-canoeist from RJ), Clarrisa(the ger who couldnt open her access file cos she didnt unzip it) and myself happily thought we could finish it by today. Never did we expect the 10queries to be so so difficult that killed thousands of our braincells!! I have already sought help from Fred(e frog in OCR), Kim ( and Eric(the IT gecko??). But im still lost.. shall and will need to spend the whole day ltr on doin my queries.. im once again dataBASED, not in OCR but in NTU!

exams really round the corner.. my 1st paper is exactly 1 mth from now!!! oh my gosh!!! 4 papers to go!! i NEEd to study!! shall be hardworking and shall look forward to BKK trip after that.. n probably KL with the humblepie-rs!! whee!!! Perserve cooks!!

It's really pouring dogs and cats!! im not feelin sleepy at all!! hais!! anymore to blog?? did i miss out anythin?? oh ya. i realised my memory is failing me already.. prob cos im 23 already.. no longer as sharp as b4.. haha!! okie.. i admit.. im old already!!

hopefulli i didnt miss out on anythin.. even if i do, i will blog again!!

Posted by Cookie at 3:35:00 AM

Sunday, October 2

A pix to remember from 4Nations 2005
(Pix taken and sent for HeartFoundation contest)
Happy Belated Children's Day ya??

Good Morning??

Good Nite?? *im goin to sleep right after this entry.. the time is 450am*

Wanna know why?? haha!! Cos' the 2 NTU coursemates, Kelv n Cooks, after being 'aeroplaned' by Lim, Sheena n Xiu, went to Essential Brew for appetizer followed by Dim Sum Supper near Mustafa!! *yummy yummy* Reached home at bout 3am!!

Met one of the aeroplane-r, Xiu, online for a round of catching up!!

Now, after much blog-hopping and tag-replying *as u can see on the left*, Cooks gonna Zzzz soon..

*Cooks gets high at SimLimSq, Cooks misses TJ lots!! MuackZZZzzz, Cooks wanna be the hairstyLO for Leonie*

oh ya.. Cooks need to STUDY very much!!

Cooks gotten a new sticko!! Metallic maroon one from Klang!!! Gonna try it out on wed!! Whee!!

No training on mon!! YEeah!! Team gonna visit Settlerscafe for a round of BOARDGAMES!! Cooks wanna play Twister!! Anyone?? TJ?? Twist here.. Twist there.. Twist Everywhere..

Cooks wanna have that Crumpler Lappie Bag.. *you hear me?? hello???*

Cooks wanna go tree top walk!! U want?? Excursion?? Bring Cooks out please?? Someone??

Cooks needs to eat less cos been eating non-stop for the past week.. Actually more like after i recovered from my major cough n flu..

Actually, Cooks got smtg in mind to blog bout!! Taking abit more time, tune in ya.. haha!! *u may noe wat i mean, if u dun, den too bad, just wait n read!*

Cooks' OUT!! Adioz... An Nyong.. Malam.. Wan An.. Nites.. Koon Liaos..

Posted by Cookie at 4:45:00 AM